New Years Eve in Pasadena
Post date: Dec 15, 2010 4:31:12 PM
Coming to Pasadena for New Years? Here's the scoop:
THIS New Years Eve, people will NOT be camped out since the parade is on Monday (the 2nd). However, the bars tomorrow (Saturday) will be packed per are some ideas for you...
1) If you decide to drink on New Years Eve in Old Town (or near), we recommend (and hit these places early) the 35er (early!), Barney's, Barney's LTD, Lucky Baldwins, Intelligentsia Cafe, and Kings Row pub. Barcelona (not on our list) is on the strip as well, as is Ixtapa Cantina (not on our list...haven't been there since it was a Moose Mcgillycuddy's). The one's on our list are tried and tested!
3) OFF Colorado, consider the Old Towne Pub (behind the box store off Green) -- less crowded since its off Green Street.
4) If you want to walk a bit toward Lake Ave (about a mile), go to T.Boyles Tavern off Mentor BEHIND the Ice House comedy club...since its off Colorado it will be less packed. On the way on Colorado...Roy's Hawiian Fusion has good bar too.
5) Also, the Yard House (in Paseo Colorado) will be kicking which is above Colorado Blvd...and while at Paseo checkout the Bodega Wine Bar and El Cholo.
Bar-Crawl -- If I were to do a bar crawl around Old Town on NYE, start early,and grab something at the 35er (assuming you can get in), then hit Lucky Baldwins, Barney's (either one), or Intelligentsia Cafe or Kings Row...then escape to the Old Towne Pub. BTW, parking is insane in Old Town on NYE, so be prepared to park a few blocks away from Old Town and walk close attention to the parking signs as well.
Bar-Crawl-2 -- After the 35er and Lucky Baldwins and Intelligentsia Cafe, walk to Paseo Colorado and hit the Yard House or Bodega Wine or El Cholo....then head another .5 miles on foot to T.Boyles Tavern....
AND....on NYE the Light Rail into Pasadena goes till 2am.
If you have a car, try The York (in Highland park), or the Black Boar in Eagle Rock as well. Good options on NYE.
Check our main site for exact locations, descriptions, and each of these bars websites.
Drink Well!